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AMC 13 Clock Injector

Project Overview

A PCB used for turning an electrical signal into an optical clock signal. Default is 80.160MHz but with a jumper any clock signal can be fed into the system. Used for multiple experiments at the LHC in CERN.

My Role:

Hardware Development

From an idea to a production ready product.

My direct contributions are:


Electronics assembly

I debugged this system multiple times to ensure proper functionality.


Mechanical development

I created the mechanical model in Solidworks and 3D printed it, very small form factor and robust. Allows for stacking multiple systems.


  • Compact and durable box

  • Convert electrical clock signal to optical

  • Optical clock must be exactly the input electrical signal


High performance optical clock, made in a robust 3D printed case. The biggest design challenge was creating a compact and stackable case, which was accomplished. 

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